😒 Emoji Meaning: The Crying Face Decoded

😒 Emoji Meaning

😒 emoji name: The 😒 emoji is officially named “Crying Face”, but it’s also known by other names such as “Single Tear Face,” “Sad Face,” and “Tearful Emoji.” What Does the 😒 Emoji Mean? The 😒 emoji, officially called the “Crying Face,” represents sadness, disappointment, or emotional pain. It shows a face with a single … Read more

πŸ₯Ί Meaning

πŸ₯Ί Meaning

πŸ₯Ί Emoji: β€œPleading Face” What does πŸ₯Ί mean? The “Pleading Face” emoji, πŸ₯Ί, often referred to as the “puppy dog eyes” emoji, is a digital symbol of earnest begging, emotional appeal, and intense desire for something. Approved in 2018 as part of Unicode 11.0 and added to Emoji 11.0, the πŸ₯Ί emoji quickly became a … Read more

😩 Meaning

😩 mean

😩 Emoji Name: “Weary Face“ What does 😩 Mean? The Weary Face emoji, 😩, depicts a yellow face with closed eyes, furrowed brows, and a broad, open frown, often displaying upper teeth and sometimes a tongue. This emoji is commonly used to represent a range of emotions such as frustration, exhaustion, sadness, and even an … Read more

πŸ˜” Meaning

πŸ˜” mean

The πŸ˜” emoji, known as the “pensive face“, typically signifies sadness, disappointment, or a reflective, somber mood. What Does πŸ˜” Mean? The πŸ˜” emoji features a face with a slight frown and downcast eyes, often used to convey feelings of sadness, disappointment, or introspection. It represents a more subdued and reflective form of unhappiness, as … Read more

😫 Meaning

😫 mean

The 😫 emoji, known as the “tired face“, typically signifies extreme exhaustion, frustration, or a sense of being overwhelmed. What Does 😫 Mean? The 😫 emoji depicts a face with furrowed eyebrows, closed, distressed eyes, and an open, anguished mouth, often used to convey feelings of extreme exhaustion, frustration, or being emotionally or physically overwhelmed. … Read more

πŸ˜– Meaning

πŸ˜– mean

The πŸ˜– emoji, known as the “confounded face“, typically signifies a mix of frustration, discomfort, and confusion. What Does πŸ˜– Mean? The πŸ˜– emoji features a face with scrunched eyes and a frowning mouth, often used to express feelings of frustration, confusion, or being overwhelmed by a situation. It conveys a stronger sense of dismay … Read more

😣 Meaning

😣 mean

The 😣 emoji, known as the “persevering face“, typically signifies frustration, struggle, or a sense of being overwhelmed. What Does 😣 Mean? The 😣 emoji depicts a face with scrunched eyes and a grimace, often used to convey feelings of frustration, struggle, or endurance in the face of difficulties. It represents a range of emotions … Read more

🧐 Meaning

🧐 mean

The 🧐 emoji mean “face with monocle“, typically signifies curiosity, skepticism, or a humorous display of scrutiny. What Does 🧐 Mean? The 🧐 emoji features a face with one eyebrow raised and a monocle, often used to convey a sense of curiosity, scrutiny, or skepticism. It can also indicate that someone is examining a subject … Read more

πŸ™ƒ Meaning

πŸ™ƒ mean

The πŸ™ƒ emoji, known as the upside-down face, typically signifies irony, sarcasm, or a playful sense of silliness. What Does πŸ™ƒ Mean? The πŸ™ƒ emoji is a unique representation of a face turned upside down. It is often used to convey a sense of irony, sarcasm, playfulness, or in situations that feel upside-down or topsy-turvy. … Read more

πŸ™‚ Meaning

πŸ™‚ mean

The πŸ™‚ emoji, known as the “slightly smiling face“, typically signifies contentment, mild happiness, or a polite acknowledgment. What Does πŸ™‚ Mean? The πŸ™‚ emoji is a digital representation of a subtle smile, often used to convey general satisfaction, passive agreement, or simply a light-hearted or polite tone in text-based communication. It doesn’t carry the … Read more