😆 Meaning

The 😆 emoji, known as the “Grinning Squinting Face,” typically signifies intense laughter or overwhelming joy.

What does 😆 mean?

The 😆 emoji is often used to express laughter, hilarity, or joy, usually in response to a joke or a situation that one finds extremely amusing. Unlike a simple smile or grin, the tight-closed eyes and wide mouth suggest a more intense, uncontrollable laughter, akin to someone laughing so hard they can barely keep their eyes open.

Visual AppearanceA yellow face with a broad, open smile, showing upper teeth and tongue on some platforms, with tightly closed, “X” shaped eyes
Common UsageTo convey hearty laughter, hilarity, or joy
Unicode NameGrinning Squinting Face
Introduced InUnicode 6.0
Also Known AsLaughing, XD, Laugh Cry, or Big Grin


  1. After a Funny Joke: “Just heard the funniest joke ever! 😆”
  2. Reacting to a Hilarious Video: “Can’t stop laughing at this cat video! 😆”
  3. Sharing Joy: “Passed my exams with flying colors! 😆”
  4. Sarcastic Response: “Oh great, another Monday… 😆”
  5. Group Chats: “Remember when we all tripped at graduation? 😆”
  6. Comical Relief: “That moment when you walk into a glass door 😆”
  7. Celebrating Good Times: “Best. Day. Ever! 😆”

Other Meaning and Emotion:

While predominantly known for expressing genuine laughter and delight, the 😆 emoji can sometimes be used sarcastically or to convey a sense of awkwardness, nervous laughter, or even disbelief. Its intensity can also vary from a chuckle to hysterical laughter based on the context it’s used in.

😆 Mean from a Girl:

When a girl uses 😆, it often means she finds something genuinely funny or is expressing joy in a playful, carefree manner. It might be her response to a joke, a funny story, or an amusing situation. It’s typically a sign of amusement and engagement in the conversation.

😆 Mean from a Guy:

From a guy, 😆 can indicate a strong sense of amusement or a reaction to something that’s extremely funny. It’s often used to show a laid-back, jovial attitude and can be a way to bond over humor in conversations. Like with anyone, context matters, and it might also be used to lighten the mood or as a playful gesture.

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